
The Installers

When night falls on Gotham Roadside Systems, a group of individuals begin their work, hidden in the shadows. These are the installers, the unsung heroes of Roadside Systems. Despite the vital role they play here, their humble nature sometimes leads to their contributions being overlooked. Our fearless installers go onsite to install our magical tracking…

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Meet the Birds

At Roadside Systems, our office is home to two lively parakeets that have become cherished members of our work family. Their cheerful chirping and vibrant presence brings a unique charm to the workplace, creating a more relaxed and enjoyable environment.  Studies have shown that bird noises can reduce stress and enhance mood, making the office…

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Roadside Legacy Trucks

Over the years, Roadside Systems has proudly shared a piece of our journey with clients through our custom model vehicles. From the early days with our classic pick-up trucks and tankers with the original logo, to a variety of truck versions commemorating our 20th anniversary, each model tells a story of our evolution. We’ve even…

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Super User Training Meets Historic Charm

Roadside Systems’ Restored North Campus Now Offering Super User Sessions! Roadside Systems is excited to announce the successful restoration of a century-old building in Maplewood, Missouri. This building, now known as the Roadside Systems North Campus, primarily serves as a training hub for our clients. Our restoration project has preserved the building’s historical charm while…

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Roadside Systems Heat Map

It’s Hot Out There- Roadside Systems Heat Maps can show you where the fire is really burning! The heat really cranked up this summer. The Birmingham office boasted about its higher average temp but remained mum when the St. Louis office explained it’s the combo of heat and humidity that determine the “real feel”.   What no one can…

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Gardening at Roadside

Growing corn…on Big Bend Blvd? Does any other GPS Fleet Management company grow a garden on a busy street? Probably not. Gardening at Roadside has been a critical part of our operations over the past four years. This year we have corn stalks shooting up right in front of our office. We’ve seen major yield improvements over the years,…

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Is This Thing On?

At last, Roadside Systems will be consistently gracing social media with our presence. Critics so far have called the reach of the accounts “close to Taylor Swift”. One critic even said the Instagram account layout is “that of a Picasso”.  Since it has been an entire year since we announced our return to Facebook, everyone…

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Don’t Let it Rain on Your Parade!

When it comes to running a successful fleet, unexpected rainstorms can really throw a wrench in your plans. The new Roadside Systems Weather Layers can help you finally take control of the skies!  Our weather overlay allows you to see rain clouds approaching and adjust your outdoor jobs accordingly. No more getting caught in an…

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Hardwired GPS Tracking Equipment

Roadside Systems clients continue to demand hardwired GPS tracking equipment. In every case of a client moving from a competitor, it has been the only option they have considered. It makes sense – hardwired installations offer several advantages. Here are some key benefits of hardwired GPS tracking systems: Why don’t our competitors focus on hardwired…

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The King! In Shreveport? 

Yes! On a recent install in Louisiana, we stumbled across a fantastic Elvis statue a picked up a little bit of history!  Elvis actually had his first big breakthrough playing on a program called the Louisiana Hayride hosted at the Shreveport Municipal Auditorium. He made his performance debut on October 16th, 1954. Elvis was signed to a contract to perform…

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Roadside Systems Meets Little Havana

We were invited and gladly accepted an invitation to a meeting in Miami.  The highlight was a trip to Little Havana. We got our picture taken with an iconic patriotic rooster, learned a lot of Cuban-American history, and sampled the local mojitos. Maybe too many mojitos but like they say when in Little Havana…

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Fishing Gear?

Does a fishing shirt actually help you catch more fish? It’s a centuries-old debate that has vexed anglers. We really have no idea. We do think our line of Roadside Systems fishing gear is pretty darn cool. If you would like a shirt just fill out the contact info and check the box for – I want…

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What the heck is that?

It’s a peanut roaster. Well, maybe THE peanut roaster. While on a recent trip to the new Roadside Systems offices in Birmingham, AL. We got a chance to sample the wares at the Alabama Peanut Company ( The pictured roaster has been in perpetual use for more than 100 years. Housed in Birmingham’s 1907 “Peanut House” –…

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Hello Birmingham!

We opened the doors to the first office in our Southeastern expansion in October.  We have set up shop in the Trussville area of Birmingham. We have brought on James Taylor, a Birmingham native, to run the show. We are very, very excited.   So now our Southeastern push features an office (complete with desks), a…

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Winter Time is Install Time

As we finish out fall and waltz into winter we get really busy around here. Many of our clients take the end of the year to catch up on those to-dos that weren’t done. Frequently that means installing a unit in to the new vehicle that was missed. Sometimes it is just moving a unit…

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In 2016 we released the RoMa App. We had high hopes for its adoption by our clients. We are happy to report our expectation have been exceeded! The RoMa app is now installed and running on thousands of our client’s phones.  The app has many useful features including Driver ID, Fuel Management, and Vehicle Inspection.…

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