June 21, 2023

Is This Thing On?

At last, Roadside Systems will be consistently gracing social media with our presence. Critics so far have called the reach of the accounts “close to Taylor Swift”. One critic even said the Instagram account layout is “that of a Picasso”. 

Since it has been an entire year since we announced our return to Facebook, everyone reading this should be following it already…right? Just in case you have been missing out, you can go follow us @RoadsideSystems on Facebook. 

While some of us here claim to have dance moves like Prince, we will leave the fancy footwork to other social media creators. Instead, if you are looking for a way to connect with us, get updates on the company, somewhat creative posts, an inside look on intern shenanigans, and more, the Roadside Systems Instagram pages are for you. 

If you want to get in on the action, there are a few different platforms that you can find us on:

Instagram @roadside.systems
Instagram Southeast specialized  @roadsidesystemsse
LinkedIn, our handle is @roadsidesystems 
Facebook  @RoadsideSystems

Come be a part of the Roadside Systems social media expedition!