January 21, 2023

Advanced RoMa Usage Nets a Client a Free Lunch!

Advanced RoMa Usage Nets a Client a Free Lunch!

A client of ours, we will call him Jim, was in our office last week. In theory, he dropped by for a review of how his company has been using RoMa. In reality, we were all looking for an excuse to have lunch at Rigazzis. (www.rigazzis.com)

While we were in our “meeting” Jim showed us how his company had used our geofence features during the consolidation of service areas of multiple companies they acquired over the last few years.

In short, Jim’s company drew geofences on the map and looked for the heavy crossover areas. The screenshot is a simulation. They discovered in the process that their service overlaps were more extensive than they originally thought allowing for big potential efficiencies to be realized.

We told Jim that clearly, RoMa pays for itself. Jim told us that we were paying for lunch.